Family smiling while playing with bubbles

Savings Accounts

See which Savings Account is right for you.

NBT Financial savings or money market accounts are the perfect way to start your financial plan. One of the first things your financial advisor would tell you is to establish an "emergency" fund of at least 3 to 6 months of your normal monthly expenses. Unexpected financial emergencies always seem to happen when you least expect and can least afford them. If you already have your "emergency" fund established, these accounts are also perfect for saving for your next automobile or that special vacation.  In addition, your accounts are easy for you to access 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with our E-Banking (online banking), Mobile Banking (cell phone) or our Telephone Banking (Online and Mobile banking are subject to additional terms and conditions and/or mobile and internet provider fees).  Contact one of our knowledgeable bankers and start saving today.


Savings Accounts Money Market ² Savings Account ³
Minimum Opening Deposit $2500.00 $200.00
Service Charges ¹ $10.00/Month $6.00/Quarter
Minimum Balance * $2500.00 $200.00
Printed Statements Monthly Quarterly w/Images
E-Statements Yes Yes
E-Banking and Bill Pay Yes Yes
Mobile Banking and Deposit Yes Yes
Interest Bearing Yes Yes
¹ If minimum balance is not maintained.
² A $10.00 fee will be charged for each withdrawal in excess of 6 per statement cycle. 
³ A $2.00 fee will be charged for each withdrawal in excess of 3 per calendar quarter.
* The Balance is calculated as a minimum daily balance, and is required in the account each day to avoid service changes.     

Please refer to your new account disclosures for your current APY or view them on our rates page
Ancillary services may be subject to additional terms and conditions and/or fees including service provider and data charges.