Consumer Education & Awareness
How to Protect your Phone and Data
These days your cell phone holds some of your most sensitive data, and in the wrong hands someone can steal your identity. Learn how to protect your phone and the data it contains by clicking here.
What you need to know about Romance Scams
Millions of people turn to online dating apps or social networking sites to meet someone. But instead of finding romance, many find a scammer trying to trick them into sending money. Read about the stories scammers make up and learn the #1 tip for avoiding a romance scam. Click here to learn more about romance scams.
How to Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams
Phishing is when someone uses fake emails or texts – even phone calls – to get you to share valuable personal information, like account numbers, Social Security numbers, or your login IDs and passwords. Scammers use this information to steal your money, your identity, or both. They may also try to get access to your computer or network. If you click on a link in one of these emails or texts, they can install ransomware or other programs that lock you out of your data and let them steal your personal information. Learn to identify phishing scams by clicking here.
Getting calls from the Social Security Administration
Probably not. At least, not from the real SSA. But how many of you have gotten calls from someone who said they were the Social Security Administration? And maybe showed the real SSA phone number (1-800-772-1213) or a number close to it on your caller ID? Learn what to do in case you get one of these calls by clicking here.
Keep tech support strangers out of your computer
When in need of tech support most people will search online for help. Your search online can lead you straight to scammers who will scare you into thinking your computer requires repair far beyond what is needed and sell you costly security software. Learn how to avoid tech support scammers by clicking here.
Email Security Awareness
If you ever question an email, let this chart guide you.
SMiShing – The New Form of Phishing
SMiShing is a type of social engineering that uses cell phone text messages to persuade victims to provide personal information such as card number, CVV2 and PINs. The text messages may contain either a website address or more commonly, a phone number that connects to an automated voice response system, which then asks for personal information. Learn more about SMiShing.
Sweetheart Swindles
Online dating can be fun and convenient, but falling for a sweetheart swindle can be costly. Be wary of "friends" you meet online who develop a relationship with you only to con you out of hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Read more about sweetheart swindles here.
FDIC Cybersecurity Basics
Visit the FDICs website to learn more about identity theft, frauds, scams and more. View their brochures on cybersecurity for consumers and businesses.
ATM Security Notice
For your own safety please exercise discretion when using an ATM or night depository facility. Learn more about ATM security.
Identity Theft
If you have been a victim of identity theft, you should take action immediately. Find out how to take action regarding identity theft.
We May Be Calling You
To protect your account, we monitor your ATM and debit card transactions for potentially fraudulent activity. If we suspect fraudulent ATM or debit card use, we may call, text or email you in order to validate the legitimacy of your transactions. The method of contact depends on the contact information provided at account opening. Please contact a customer service representative at 817-759-9001 to ensure your contact information is current. Read more about our ATM and debit card monitoring.
Online Banking Security Tips
New technology comes out every day. Unfortunately, fraudsters are quick to take advantage of that technology and YOU! Use emerging technologies…but protect yourself from theft, fraud and scams. Find more information regarding online banking security tips.
Cyber Monday Security Tips
Cyber Monday is one of the busiest online shopping days of the year. Learn how to shop safely and not become the latest cyber-crime victim, by clicking our link below: